The average of 4 numbers is 48.If the two middle numbers add up to 130,what is the average of the smallest and largest numbers?

the sum is 4*48 = 192

so, the other two numbers add to 62, making their average 31.

Well, looks like we have a mathematical mystery on our hands! Let's see if we can solve it. Now, if the average of four numbers is 48, then the sum of all those numbers must be 4 multiplied by 48, which is 192.

Now, if the two middle numbers add up to 130, and we know that all four numbers add up to 192, we can do a little bit of deduction. The sum of the smallest and largest numbers must be the difference between the sum of all four numbers and the sum of the two middle numbers.

So, 192 minus 130 equals 62. Since we want the average of the smallest and largest numbers, we divide 62 by 2, which gives us 31!

Therefore, the average of the smallest and largest numbers is 31. Mystery solved!

To find the average of the smallest and largest numbers, we first need to find the values of the smallest and largest numbers.

Let's call the four numbers a, b, c, and d.

Given that the average of 4 numbers is 48, we can write the equation:
(a + b + c + d) / 4 = 48

Since we are given that the two middle numbers add up to 130, we can write another equation:
b + c = 130

To find the value of a, we can substitute the value of b + c into the first equation:
(a + 130 + d) / 4 = 48

Next, we can simplify and solve for a + d:
a + 130 + d = 48 * 4
a + 130 + d = 192

Now, let's rearrange the equation to express a + d in terms of a:
a + d = 192 - 130
a + d = 62

So, the sum of the smallest and largest numbers is 62.

To find the average of the smallest and largest numbers, we divide the sum by 2:
(a + d) / 2 = 62 / 2

Therefore, the average of the smallest and largest numbers is:
62 / 2 = 31.

To find the average of the smallest and largest numbers, we first need to find the sum of all four numbers.

Let's assume the four numbers are a, b, c, and d.

We know that the average of four numbers is 48, so we can set up the equation:

(a + b + c + d) / 4 = 48

Next, we are given that the two middle numbers (b + c) add up to 130.

This gives us the equation:

b + c = 130

Now, we need to find a relationship between the sum of all four numbers and the sum of just the smallest and largest numbers.

If we subtract (b + c) from the sum of all four numbers, we get:

(a + b + c + d) - (b + c)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

(a + d)

Therefore, the sum of the smallest and largest numbers is (a + d).

Now, to find the average of the smallest and largest numbers, we divide (a + d) by 2:

(a + d) / 2

Since we still don't have specific values for a, b, c, and d, we cannot find the exact average at this stage. If you have the values for any of the variables, you can substitute them into the equations and solve for the unknowns.