Convert 6.81 inches per minute to inches per second

1 minute = 60 seconds

You have two numbers -- 6.81 and 60.

Should you


6.81/60 = 0.11 inches per second


The answer are ?

11.35 in/sec

0.681 in/sec

6.81 in/sec

113.5 in/sec

Which one is closest to 11?

Do the math to be sure -- but I rounded the answer.

To convert inches per minute to inches per second, we need to understand that there are 60 seconds in a minute. Thus, we can divide the value in inches per minute by 60 to get the equivalent value in inches per second.

So, to convert 6.81 inches per minute to inches per second, we divide 6.81 by 60:

6.81 inches per minute ÷ 60 = 0.1135 inches per second

Therefore, 6.81 inches per minute is equivalent to 0.1135 inches per second.