An airplane travels 250 km/h due West for 2 hours. Its average velocity is:

To find the average velocity, we need to calculate the total displacement (change in position) and divide it by the total time.

In this case, the airplane travels due West at a speed of 250 km/h for 2 hours. Since it is traveling due West, the displacement is in the opposite direction of its motion.

To calculate the displacement, we need to consider that velocity is a vector quantity and has both magnitude and direction. In this case, the magnitude of the displacement is equal to the speed of 250 km/h, but the direction is opposite to the motion.

Therefore, the displacement is -500 km (250 km/h x 2 hours) due East.

Now, we can calculate the average velocity by dividing the displacement by the total time. The total time is 2 hours.

Average velocity = displacement / total time

Average velocity = (-500 km) / (2 hours)

Average velocity = -250 km/h

The average velocity of the airplane is -250 km/h due East.

ummm. 250 km/hr ...