Y-2x=4 solve for x and y with graph

you cannot solve for x and y.

The graph is a line. Any point on the line is a solution to the equation.

Now, if you want the x- and y-intercepts, read them off the graph.

To solve the equation Y - 2x = 4 and graph the solution, we need to rearrange the equation to isolate the variables.

Rearranging the equation: Y = 2x + 4

To graph this equation, we need to plot points that satisfy the equation and then connect them to create a straight line. We can choose any values for x and then calculate the corresponding y values.

Let's choose three arbitrary values for x and calculate the corresponding y values:

When x = 0:
Y = 2(0) + 4
Y = 4
So, one point is (0, 4).

When x = 1:
Y = 2(1) + 4
Y = 2 + 4
Y = 6
So, another point is (1, 6).

When x = -1:
Y = 2(-1) + 4
Y = -2 + 4
Y = 2
So, the third point is (-1, 2).

Now, let's plot these points on a graph and connect them to create a line:

graph{y=2x+4 [-10, 10, -5, 10]}

As you can see, the equation Y - 2x = 4 represents a straight line with a slope of 2 and a y-intercept of 4.