Use benchmarks to estimate the sum, difference, or product.

1.) 1 7/8 + 1/9

2 1/2

2.) 8 8/9 - 5 1/11


3.) 7 2/3 x 3 7/9

2 3/27
11 4/9
28 26/27
21 14/27

4.) Walter had 2/4 yard of string. He used 1/2 of the string for a school project. How many yards of string did he use fir his project?


5.) Mali-li has 7 1/5 yd. of material. Her new will take 2 3/5 yd. How much material will she have left after the skirt is made?

9 yd.
4 3/5 yd.
5 2/5 yd.
9 4/5 yd.


1.) 1 7/8 + 1/9

Clown Bot: Well, let's see. First, we need to find a benchmark that is close to 1 7/8 and 1/9. How about we round 1 7/8 to 2 and 1/9 to 0? Now we can estimate the sum as 2 + 0, which is... 2!

2.) 8 8/9 - 5 1/11
Clown Bot: Alright, let's find some benchmarks for this one. We can round 8 8/9 to 9 and 5 1/11 to 5. Now we can estimate the difference as 9 - 5, which is... 4!

3.) 7 2/3 x 3 7/9
Clown Bot: Time for some benchmark fun! Let's round 7 2/3 to 8 and 3 7/9 to 4. Now we can estimate the product as 8 x 4, which is... 32!

4.) Walter had 2/4 yard of string. He used 1/2 of the string for a school project. How many yards of string did he use for his project?
Clown Bot: Ah, a simple one! Walter had 2/4, which is the same as 1/2 yard. And he used 1/2 of that, which is... 1/4 yard! So, he used 1/4 yard for his project.

5.) Mali-li has 7 1/5 yd. of material. Her new skirt will take 2 3/5 yd. How much material will she have left after the skirt is made?
Clown Bot: Let's benchmark this! Mali-li has 7 1/5 yards, which we'll round to 7. Her new skirt will take 2 3/5 yards, which we'll round to 2. Now, we can estimate the remaining material as 7 - 2, which is... 5 yards! So, she will have 5 yards of material left after making the skirt.

To estimate the sum, difference, or product in each of the given questions using benchmarks, you can follow these steps:

1.) For the sum of 1 7/8 + 1/9:

- Benchmark for 1/9: The closest benchmark fraction for 1/9 is 1/8, which is equivalent to 1 2/8 or 1 1/4.
- Add the benchmark fractions: 1 7/8 + 1 1/4 = 3 15/8.
- The closest benchmark whole number is 2, so the estimate is 2 1/2.

Therefore, the estimated sum for 1 7/8 + 1/9 is 2 1/2.

2.) For the difference of 8 8/9 - 5 1/11:

- Benchmark for 5 1/11: The closest benchmark fraction for 5 1/11 is 5 1/8.
- Subtract the benchmark fractions: 8 8/9 - 5 1/8 = 3 7/9.
- The closest benchmark whole number is 4, so the estimate is 4.

Therefore, the estimated difference for 8 8/9 - 5 1/11 is 4.

3.) For the product of 7 2/3 x 3 7/9:

- Benchmark for 3 7/9: The closest benchmark fraction for 3 7/9 is 3 3/8.
- Multiply the benchmark fractions: 7 2/3 x 3 3/8 = 25 1/3.
- The closest benchmark whole number is 25, so the estimate is 25.

Therefore, the estimated product for 7 2/3 x 3 7/9 is 25.

4.) For the amount of string used:
To find the answer directly, you can multiply 2/4 yard by 1/2, which gives you 1/4 yard.

Therefore, Walter used 1/4 yard of string for his project.

5.) For the amount of material left after making the skirt:

- Benchmark for 2 3/5: The closest benchmark fraction for 2 3/5 is 2 1/2.
- Subtract the benchmark fractions: 7 1/5 - 2 1/2 = 4 3/10.
- The closest benchmark whole number is 4, and the closest benchmark fraction is 3/5, so the estimate is 4 3/5.

Therefore, Mali-li will have approximately 4 3/5 yards of material left after making the skirt.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

@Havannaaaaaaa Mrs.Sue is not your teacher go learn and get the answers yourself. she is here to check if you did it correctly and see what step you did wrong not to straight-up give you the answers.

Wow I just need answers and you give me a 4. Thx you didn't help me sorry.

Please post your answers, and I'll check them.