14. Read this quote from Alexander Hamilton.

The interpretation of the laws is proper and peculiar province of the courts. A constitution is, in fact, and must be regarded by the judges as a fundamental law.... If there should happen to be an irreconcilable variance between the two ... the Constitution ought to be preferred to the statue.... -Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist No. 78

Hamilton's statement is fundamental to which concept?

a- judicial review
b- federalism
c- limited government
d- popular sovereignty

15. Read this excerpt from the textbook.

During the years the Articles of Confederation were in force (1781-1789), there were mo national courts and no national judiciary. The laws of the United States were interpreted and applied as each State saw fit, and sometimes not at all. Disputes between States and between persons who lived indifferent States were decided, if at all, by the courts in one of the States involved. Often, decisions by the courts in one State were ignored by the courts in the other States.

This excerpt from the textbook explains why

a- delegates to the Constitution Convention wanted checks and balances among the branches of government
b- the Framers of the Articles of confederation felt there was no need for a national judiciary
c- the Framers of the Constitution thought it was important to have a national judiciary
d- many members of Congress felt there was no need for a strong federal government

I'll gladly check your answers.

Hi Ms Sue, can you check my answers please?

14. To determine the fundamental concept addressed in Alexander Hamilton's statement, we need to analyze the quote. Hamilton states that the interpretation of laws is the responsibility of the courts and that a constitution is regarded as a fundamental law. He also asserts that if there is an irreconcilable conflict between the constitution and a statute, the constitution should take precedence.

Based on this, the concept that Hamilton is addressing is judicial review. Judicial review refers to the power of the courts to determine the constitutionality of laws or government actions. Hamilton's statement emphasizes the authority of the courts to interpret laws and prioritize the constitution over conflicting statutes, reflecting the principle of judicial review.

Therefore, the answer is a- judicial review.

15. To determine why the excerpt from the textbook explains a particular point, we must examine the information provided. The excerpt describes the period when the Articles of Confederation were in effect (1781-1789) and highlights that there were no national courts or judiciary during this time. Instead, each state independently interpreted and applied the laws of the United States, leading to inconsistencies, disputes, and ignored court decisions between states.

This explanation aligns with the concept of why the Framers of the Constitution believed it was important to have a national judiciary. The excerpt shows the problems and inefficiencies that arose from the lack of a centralized judiciary under the Articles of Confederation. Therefore, the Framers, in an effort to address these issues, believed it was crucial to establish a national judiciary to provide uniformity, resolve disputes between states, and ensure consistent interpretation and application of laws at the national level.

Thus, the answer is c- the Framers of the Constitution thought it was important to have a national judiciary.