Find the measure of the third angle of a triangle given the measure of two angles are 86º and xº.

A. 86-x
B. 90-x
C. 94-x
D. 180-x

My answer was A. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you

No, not A.

Would it be D because you can equal it 180 because the triangle sum is 180 degress.

The total number of degrees in a triangle is 180. You know that one angle is 86 degrees. The second angle is x degrees.

You need to find the measure of the third angle.

My final answer...C

C is correct.

To find the measure of the third angle of a triangle, we need to know that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always equal to 180 degrees.

Given that one angle is 86º and the other angle is xº, we can set up an equation to find the measure of the third angle.

Let's call the third angle yº.

So, we have:

86º + xº + yº = 180º

To find the measure of the third angle, we need to isolate yº.

Subtracting 86º and xº from both sides of the equation, we get:

yº = 180º - 86º - xº

Simplifying, we have:

yº = 94º - xº

So, the correct answer is C. 94-x.