Kendrey had 1 1/3 bags of popcorn. About how much more does she need to have about 4 bags of popcorn? 3

Give two di erent possible answers.

yes, 3 is one answer

To find the difference between the amount of popcorn Kendrey has and the desired amount, we will subtract the amount she has from the desired amount.

First, let's convert 1 1/3 to an improper fraction:
1 1/3 = 4/3

Next, we subtract 4/3 from 4 to find the difference:
4 - 4/3 = 12/3 - 4/3 = 8/3

To convert the answer back to a mixed number, we divide the numerator (8) by the denominator (3):
8 รท 3 = 2 remainder 2

Therefore, two different possible answers are:
- Kendrey needs about 2 2/3 bags more to have about 4 bags of popcorn.
- Kendrey needs about 8/3 or approximately 2 2/3 bags more to have about 4 bags of popcorn.