I'm thinking of a number when I divide by 3 and subtract 7 I get zero what is my number


(n / 3) - 7 = 0

n / 3 = 7

n = 7 * 3

21 is right

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Divide the unknown number by 3.
Let's call the unknown number "x". So, x divided by 3 is x/3.

Step 2: Subtract 7 from the result.
Subtract 7 from x/3: (x/3) - 7.

Step 3: Set the result equal to zero.
The problem states that when you divide by 3 and subtract 7, you get zero. So we can write the equation as:
(x/3) - 7 = 0.

Step 4: Solve for x.
To find the value of x, we'll isolate it on one side of the equation.
Add 7 to both sides of the equation:
(x/3) = 7.

To get rid of the fraction, multiply both sides of the equation by 3:
3 * (x/3) = 3 * 7,
x = 21.

So, your number is 21. To verify, divide 21 by 3: 21/3 = 7, and then subtract 7 from 7, which equals zero.