Please check all of my answers and tell me if they are right.

1.   What is the simplified form of the following expression?

7m^2 + 6.5n – 4n + 2.5m^2 – n (1 point)

A. 9.5m^2 + 1.5n***

B. 4.5m^2 + 1.5n

C. 1.5m^2 – 4.2n

D. 9.5m^2 – 1.5n

2.   Simplify the following expression.

1/3(21m + 27)

A. 7m + 27

B. 7m + 9***

C. 63m + 9

D. 7m + 81

3.   What is the sum?

7/4 + (- 1/5)

A. 31/20***

B. 39/20

C. 6/9

D. - 7/20

4.   Which property is illustrated by the following statement?

2x(6) = (6)2x

A. Associative Property of Addition

B. Commutative Property of Multiplication***

C. Inverse Property of Multiplication

D. Commutative Property of Addition

5.   Which property is illustrated by the following statement?

3z + 4 = 4 + 3z

A. Associative Property of Addition

B. Commutative Property of Multiplication

C. Inverse Property of Multiplication

D. Commutative Property of Addition***

6.   Order the following numbers from least to greatest. 

Square root 7, -0.3,(- 7/4),0.1, square root 3

A. 0.1, square root 3, (- 7/4), square root 7, -0.3

B. (- 7/4),-0.3,0.1, square root 3, square root 7

C. Square root 7, square root 3, 0.1, ( - 7/4) , 0.3 ***

D. -0.3, 0.1, square root 3, square root 7, (- 7/4)

7.   Which number sentence does the following number line represent?

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10

A. –2 + (–8) = –10

B. 2 + (–8) = 10***

C. 2 + (–8) = –10

D. 2 + (–8) = –6

8.   To which subset of real numbers does the following number belong?

 Square root 6

A. rational numbers

B. irrational numbers***

C. whole numbers, integers, rational numbers

D. imaginary numbers

9.   Which sum or difference is equivalent to the following expression?

3x -2 /9

A. 1/3 x - 2/9***

B. 2/9 x - 1/3

C. 1/9 x

D. 2/9

10.   What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the sum of 6 and n ?  (1 point)

A. 6 - n

B. 6 + n***

C. n – 6

D. n/6

11.   What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the quotient of 8 and the difference of x and m?

A. 8/ x-m***

B. 8 - x/m

C. x - m / 8

D. 8 - x / m

12.   What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the quotient of x and 6y?

A. x/6

B. x/6y***

C. 6xy

D. x - 6y

13.   What is the difference?

9/5 - 1/6

A. 49/30

B. - 8/1

C. 59/30***

D. - 1/8

14.   What is the simplified form of the following expression?

square root 1/121

A. 2/121

B. 1/242

C. 11

D. 1/11***

15.   Which property is illustrated by the following statement?

(7p)mn = 7p(mn)

A. Commutative Property of Multiplication

B. Associative Property of Multiplication***

C. Inverse Property of Multiplication

D. Commutative Property of Addition

16. Evaluate u/z + xy^2 for u = 20, x = 4, y = 7 and z = 10

A. 786

B. 198***

C. 294

D. 900

17.   What is the product?






18.   What is the simplified form of the following expression?


A. 343/64

B. 21,952

C. 407***

D. 64/343

19.   Which word phrase can you use to represent the algebraic expression 3m?  (1 point)

A. the sum of 3 and a number m

B. the difference of 3 and a number m

C. the product of 3 and a number m***

D. the quotient of 3 and a number m

20.   Using the formula , r = d/t where d is the distance in miles, r is the rate, and t is the time in hours, at which rate must you travel to cover 337.5 miles in 4.5 hours?

A. 55 mph

B. 65 mph

C. 75 mph***

D. 85 mph

21.   What is the simplified form of the following expression?

-(8n - 5v)

A. -8n + 5

B. 8n + 5v***

C. 8n - 5v

D. -8n - 5v

22.   What is the simplified form of the following expression?

12[6^2 ÷ (5^2 – 4^2) + 7]

A. 12.6

B. 195

C. 33.8***

D. 132

23.   What is the simplified form of the following expression?


A. - 4/5 s

B. 4/g g***

C. - 5/4 s

D. - 5/4 g

24.   In a football game, a running back ran for –7 and –5 yards on his last two runs. His total yardage for the whole game is 78 yards. Which expression shows how many yards the running back had before those two runs?

A. 78 – 5 – 7

B. 78 – 5 + 7

C. 78 + 5 – 7

D. 78 + 5 + 7***

25.   What is the value of x/yz if x = -2, y= -3, and z = -4

A. 6

B. -6

C. 1/6***

D. - 1/6

28.   Which statement about the product is true?

4.56 x 4.3

A. The product is rational.

B. The product is irrational.

C. The product is neither rational nor irrational.***

D. The nature of the product cannot be determined.

29.   Which of the following results in a sum or a product that is rational? Choose all that apply.  (3 points)

A. 4 + 9

B. pie symbol with line through it x 5

C. 3.45 x 1.2***

D. Square root 16 x square root 4

E. Square root 7 x square root 2

30. Molli purchased 7 apples for $3.96. While looking at her receipt, Molli divided $3.96 by 7. Why might Molli perform this calculation?

A. in order to find the total number of apples purchased

B. in order to calculate the total amount that she owes

C. in order to calculate how much money she has left

D. in order to find out how much she paid per apple***

What are the answer

Some are the same but most aren't

I need the help

1. A. 9.5m^2 + 1.5n

2. B. 7m + 9
3. A. 31/20
4. B. Commutative Property of Multiplication
5. D. Commutative Property of Addition
6. C. Square root 7, square root 3, 0.1, ( -7/4), 0.3
7. B. 2 + (–8) = 10
8. B. irrational numbers
9. A. 1/3 x - 2/9
10. B. 6 + n
11. A. 8/x-m
12. B. x/6y
13. C. 59/30
14. D. 1/11
15. B. Associative Property of Multiplication
16. B. 198
17. B. -24.44
18. A. 343/64
19. C. the product of 3 and a number m
20. C. 75 mph
21. B. 8n + 5v
22. C. 33.8
23. A. -4/5 s
24. D. 78 + 5 + 7
25. C. 1/6
28. A. The product is rational.
29. A. 4 + 9, C. 3.45 x 1.2
30. D. in order to find out how much she paid per apple

1. The correct answer is A. 9.5m^2 + 1.5n. To simplify the expression, combine like terms by adding the coefficients of the terms with the same variables.

2. The correct answer is B. 7m + 9. To simplify the expression, distribute 1/3 to each term inside the parentheses and then combine like terms.

3. The correct answer is A. 31/20. To find the sum of fractions, first find a common denominator, which in this case is 20. Then add the numerators and keep the common denominator.

4. The correct answer is B. Commutative Property of Multiplication. The property states that the order of factors in a multiplication problem can be changed without changing the product.

5. The correct answer is D. Commutative Property of Addition. The property states that the order of terms in an addition problem can be changed without changing the sum.

6. The correct answer is C. Square root 7, square root 3, 0.1, (- 7/4), 0.3. To order the numbers from least to greatest, compare each number and arrange them accordingly.

7. The correct answer is B. 2 + (-8) = 10. The number line represents the addition of 2 and -8, which is equal to 10.

8. The correct answer is B. irrational numbers. The square root of 6 is a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal, which makes it an irrational number.

9. The correct answer is A. 1/3 x - 2/9. To find an equivalent sum or difference, multiply each term by the same non-zero number.

10. The correct answer is B. 6 + n. The word phrase "the sum of 6 and n" translates to the algebraic expression 6 + n.

11. The correct answer is A. 8/ (x - m). The word phrase "the quotient of 8 and the difference of x and m" translates to the algebraic expression 8 / (x - m).

12. The correct answer is B. x/6y. The word phrase "the quotient of x and 6y" translates to the algebraic expression x/6y.

13. The correct answer is C. 59/30. To find the difference between fractions, find a common denominator, subtract the numerators, and keep the common denominator.

14. The correct answer is D. 1/11. The square root of 1/121 simplifies to 1/11.

15. The correct answer is B. Associative Property of Multiplication. The property states that the grouping of factors in a multiplication problem can be changed without changing the product.

16. The correct answer is B. 198. Substitute the given values into the expression and simplify.

17. The correct answer is B. -24.44. Multiply the two numbers together.

18. The correct answer is A. 343/64. Raise the fraction to the power of 3 by multiplying the numerator and denominator by itself three times.

19. The correct answer is C. the product of 3 and a number m. The algebraic expression 3m represents the multiplication of 3 and a variable m.

20. The correct answer is C. 75 mph. Use the formula r = d/t and substitute the given values to solve for the rate.

21. The correct answer is B. 8n + 5v. Distribute the negative sign to each term inside the parentheses.

22. The correct answer is C. 33.8. Use the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) to simplify the expression.

23. The correct answer is D. -5/4g. Divide 4sg by -5g.

24. The correct answer is D. 78 + 5 + 7. To find the total yardage before the last two runs, add the total yardage of the whole game to the yards gained on the last two runs.

25. The correct answer is C. 1/6. Substitute the given values into the expression and simplify.

28. The correct answer is C. The product is neither rational nor irrational. The nature of the product cannot be determined without further information.

29. The correct answers are A and C. 4 + 9 and 3.45 x 1.2. The sum and product of two rational numbers are also rational.

30. The correct answer is D. To find out how much she paid per apple, divide the total cost ($3.96) by the number of apples (7).