Two cars are 400 miles apart and start towards one another, one car traveling 4 miles per hour slower

than the other. After 3 hours, the cars are 40 miles apart. Find the speed of each car

since distance = time * speed,

3(x + x-4) = 400-40

To find the speed of each car, let's assume the speed of the faster car as "x" miles per hour.

The slower car is traveling 4 miles per hour slower than the faster car, so its speed would be "x - 4" miles per hour.

After 3 hours, the faster car would have traveled a distance of 3x miles, and the slower car would have traveled a distance of 3(x - 4) miles.

Since they are driving towards each other, the combined distance traveled by both cars would be equal to the initial distance of 400 miles minus the distance they are apart after 3 hours, which is 40 miles.

So, we can set up the equation: 3x + 3(x - 4) = 400 - 40

Simplifying the equation:
3x + 3x - 12 = 360
6x - 12 = 360
6x = 372
x = 62

Therefore, the speed of the faster car is 62 miles per hour, and the speed of the slower car is 62 - 4 = 58 miles per hour.