if light is incidence at a depth of 246cm, 224cm of a coin in a tank, refractive angle is 30 degree find the incidence angle

To find the incidence angle of light, we can use Snell's law, which relates the angles of incidence and refraction to the refractive indices of the two media:

n1 x sin(θ1) = n2 x sin(θ2)

n1 = Refractive index of the initial medium (in this case, air)
n2 = Refractive index of the final medium (in this case, water)
θ1 = Incidence angle (unknown)
θ2 = Refraction angle (given as 30 degrees)

To solve for the incidence angle, we need to determine the refractive indices of air and water. The refractive index of air is generally considered to be 1, while the refractive index of water is approximately 1.33.

Using these values, we will substitute the known values into Snell's law:

1 x sin(θ1) = 1.33 x sin(30 degrees)

Now we can solve for sin(θ1):

sin(θ1) = (1.33 x sin(30 degrees)) / 1

sin(θ1) = 0.665

To find θ1, we can take the inverse sine (sin^-1) of 0.665:

θ1 = sin^-1(0.665) = 41.6 degrees

Therefore, the incidence angle of light is approximately 41.6 degrees.