For this problem, we will use the formula for position of an object. y=1/2at^2+vot+ho, where t is time in seconds, a is acceleration in meters per second squared (in this case gravity so -9.8 m/s2), v0 is the initial velocity in meters per second, and h0 is the initial height in meters.

A pitcher is standing 20 meters horizontally from a batter. Let’s assume home plate is at the origin. As the pitcher releases the ball it is at a height of 2 meters off the ground and we consider this time t = 0 seconds. He throws the ball horizontally with an initial velocity of 40 meters per second. For the sake of the problem we will assume that the horizontal velocity stays at a constant 40 meters per second.
a. Give the parametric equations for the position of the ball as a function of time.

b. Show that the height of the ball when it reaches the batter is 0.775 meters.

c. If the pitcher throws the ball with an angle of depression of 10 rather than horizontally, what happens by the time it reaches the batter.

(a) let x=t, y=h(t)

(b) as with all parabolas, the vertex is at -b/2a
(c) vo is v sinθ

now crank it out

where does the 1/2 come from?

a. The parametric equations for the position of the ball as a function of time can be obtained by substituting the given values into the formula:

For the horizontal position (x): x = v0 * t

For the vertical position (y): y = - 4.9 * t^2 + v0 * t + h0

Since the horizontal velocity is constant at 40 meters per second, the parametric equation for the horizontal position simplifies to:

x = 40 * t

Substituting the given values (h0 = 2), the parametric equation for the vertical position becomes:

y = -4.9 * t^2 + 40 * t + 2

b. To find the height of the ball when it reaches the batter, we need to solve the equation y = 0. Setting y to zero, we have:

0 = -4.9 * t^2 + 40 * t + 2

This is a quadratic equation. We can solve it by either factoring, completing the square, or using the quadratic formula. Let's use the quadratic formula:

t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

For our equation, a = -4.9, b = 40, and c = 2. Substituting these values into the quadratic formula:

t = (-40 ± √(40^2 - 4 * (-4.9) * 2)) / (2 * (-4.9))


t = (-40 ± √(1600 + 39.2)) / (-9.8)

t = (-40 ± √1639.2) / (-9.8)

Since time cannot be negative in this context, we take only the positive root:

t ≈ 5.17 seconds

Substituting this value back into the equation for y:

y = -4.9 * (5.17)^2 + 40 * 5.17 + 2

y ≈ 0.775 meters

Therefore, the height of the ball when it reaches the batter is approximately 0.775 meters.

c. If the pitcher throws the ball with an angle of depression of 10 degrees rather than horizontally, the trajectory of the ball will be curved. This means that the vertical position of the ball will change as it moves horizontally towards the batter. The formula for vertical position remains the same:

y = -4.9 * t^2 + v0 * t + h0

where v0 is now the initial vertical velocity, which can be calculated using the given angle of depression. The initial velocity can be split into horizontal and vertical components:

v0 = 40 * sin(10)

The horizontal position equation remains the same:

x = 40 * t

By substituting these values into the equations, you can determine the position of the ball as a function of time.

To find the parametric equations for the position of the ball as a function of time, we need to use the given formula for position: y = 1/2at^2 + v0t + h0, where y is the vertical position at time t. In this case, our initial height h0 is 2 meters and the acceleration a is -9.8 m/s^2 (considering gravity). The horizontal position can be determined by multiplying the initial horizontal velocity v0 (40 m/s) by time t.

a. The parametric equations for the position of the ball are:
- Horizontal position: x = v0t = 40t
- Vertical position: y = -4.9t^2 + 40t + 2

b. To find the height of the ball when it reaches the batter, we need to find the value of t when y = 0. Set y = 0 in the equation and solve for t:
-4.9t^2 + 40t + 2 = 0

To solve this quadratic equation, you can use the quadratic formula:
t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

In this case, a = -4.9, b = 40, and c = 2.
t = (-40 ± √(40^2 - 4(-4.9)(2))) / (2(-4.9))

Now, calculate the value of t to find the height of the ball when it reaches the batter.

c. If the pitcher throws the ball with an angle of depression of 10 degrees instead of horizontally, the ball will follow a curved trajectory. The horizontal component of the initial velocity will still be 40 m/s, but the vertical component will be affected by the angle.

To determine what happens by the time the ball reaches the batter, we need to consider the horizontal and vertical motion separately. The horizontal motion will remain unchanged, given by x = 40t.

For the vertical motion, now we need to consider the vertical component of the initial velocity and the angle of depression. Given the angle of depression is 10 degrees, we can calculate the initial vertical velocity (v0y) using trigonometry:
v0y = v0 * sin(angle)

Using the given v0 = 40 m/s, we can calculate the initial vertical velocity.

Then, the vertical position y as a function of time can be determined using the equation:
y = 1/2at^2 + v0yt + h0

By analyzing the vertical motion, we can determine the behavior of the ball when it reaches the batter.