11. What was the impact of Minutemen during the revolutionary war?

A) they were able to resist British forces using the same tactics that British soldiers used

B) they set up signals to warn the regular american army whenever British soldiers were approaching

C) as trained soldiers who could prepare for battle quickly, they fought the British at Lexington and concord****

D) as wealthy farmers they provided much needed financial support to the American army

12. Why did the French support the Americans during the revolutionary war?

A) the French hoped to overthrow the Americans and reclaim their land

B) the French were angry with Britain and wanted to support its enemies****

C) the French beloved supporting the Americans would bring them wealth

D) the French feared that American troops would attack them unless they joined the war

13. What was the mistake British General Charles Cornwallis made that ultimately caused his defeat?

A) he miscalculated the strength of the continental army in Charlottesville, VA***

B) he failed to listen to Benedict Arnold who informed him of key information about the Americans

C) he retreated to Yorktown where he was trapped

D) he failed to cut off supply routes to the Carolinas

14. How did the French respond when the colonies defeated the British at Saratoga in the revolutionary war?

A) they supported the British in their efforts to control the colonies.

B) they formed an alliance with Germany to attack the British

C) they were encouraged to support the patriot effort *****

D) they withdrew their support of the British

15. Which statement correctly contrasts Mary Ludwig Hay's contributions during the revolutionary war to those of Betsy Ross

A) hays took charge of her husbands farm and Ross tended to wounded soldiers

B) hays made guns and cannons and Ross helped on the home front

C) hays operated a cannon in battle and Ross made the American flag *****

D) hays was killed in battle and Ross pushed for equal rights for women

16. What motivated most African American soldiers to fight in the revolutionary war with the patriots?

A) the hope that the war would also bring an end to slavery

B) the desire to become free after serving in the patriot army *****

C) the fear of what would happen if they did not fight in the war

D) the need to protect their families and the families of their masters

Is 13 C??

Hello im Ms. sues husband

So is Mrs. Sue like a honest to god teacher or is that just something you do just to be funny? And hi "Mr. Sue" I guess #_#

11. The correct answer is C) as trained soldiers who could prepare for battle quickly, they fought the British at Lexington and concord.

To find the answer, you would need to have some knowledge about the role of Minutemen during the Revolutionary War. Minutemen were civilian colonists who independently organized to form well-prepared militia companies. They were known for being able to be ready for battle at a minute's notice. One of the most significant impacts of the Minutemen was their participation in the battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, where they played a crucial role in resisting the British forces. Therefore, answer choice C is the correct option.

12. The correct answer is B) the French were angry with Britain and wanted to support its enemies.

To answer this question, you would need to know about the motivations of the French during the Revolutionary War. The French supported the Americans against the British primarily because they were angry with Britain. France had previously lost territories to Britain during the French and Indian War and desired revenge. Additionally, France saw an opportunity to weaken Britain by supporting their enemies, the American colonists. Therefore, answer choice B is the correct option.

13. The correct answer is C) he retreated to Yorktown where he was trapped.

To find this answer, you would need to have some knowledge of the events of the Revolutionary War, specifically the Battle of Yorktown. General Charles Cornwallis made the mistake of retreating to Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781. The French navy, along with American forces, surrounded Cornwallis and his troops, effectively trapping them. This ultimately led to Cornwallis's defeat and the British surrender at Yorktown. Therefore, answer choice C is the correct option.

14. The correct answer is C) they were encouraged to support the patriot effort.

To answer this question, you would need to understand the response of the French to the American victory at Saratoga. The American victory at Saratoga in 1777 was a turning point in the Revolutionary War, and it convinced the French that the American colonists had a chance of winning. This victory encouraged the French to provide more support to the American patriots in terms of funding, supplies, and military aid. Therefore, answer choice C is the correct option.

15. The correct answer is C) hays operated a cannon in battle and Ross made the American flag.

To find this answer, you would need to know about the contributions of Mary Ludwig Hay and Betsy Ross during the Revolutionary War. Mary Ludwig Hay, also known as Molly Pitcher, was known for her participation in battle by operating a cannon, while Betsy Ross is famous for making the American flag. Therefore, answer choice C is the correct option.

16. The correct answer is B) the desire to become free after serving in the patriot army.

To answer this question, you would need to understand the motivations of African American soldiers during the Revolutionary War. Many African Americans saw the Revolutionary War as an opportunity to fight for their own freedom. They believed that by serving in the patriot army, they would gain their freedom as a reward for their service. Therefore, answer choice B is the correct option.

13 - no. The others are correct.

Yes, C is correct. Cornwallis could not retreat except by sea, and the British fleet wasn't handy to take him and his troops away.