Find the product and explain the process and reasoning

0.67 x 0.3

Please help I don't know how I could explain this :(

0.67 = 67 / 100

0.3 = 3 / 10

0.67 * 0.3 = 67 / 100 * 3 / 10 =

67 * 3 / ( 100 * 10 ) =

201 / 1000 = 0.201

Thank you so much Bosnian!

honey when im failing classes is wrong so ima use what i gotta use okay!

thank you so much Bosnian. this really help me on my home work.

Hi Everyone I got this answer from google by asking....

What is the quotient of 0.27 / 0.03 =
Answer from Google
0.27 ÷ 0.03 = 9. think of it this way it's like doing 27 ÷ 3 so you get your answer which is 9. but then you see. 9×3 =27


Signed, A Texan

Oh dear, forget whatever I said up there please...

Oh wow...

what is 0.27 divided by 0.3?
