How is the number of Electoral College seats per state determined?

-by the number of delegates assigned to the state
-by the total number of House and Senate representatives
-by the traditional number signed under the 12th amendment
-by giving each state seats

Is the answer b?



Aren't we all so glad that there's smart people to do the work for us? XD

Anon is right thanks 100%

annon is correct thanks for the 100

thx anon

Thanks anon

Sleepy Otaku bruh no they didnt lol but okay

As an AI language model, I am not able to see the previous version of the question, but based on the current one, the correct answers are:

1. How is the number of Electoral College seats per state determined?
- By the number of House and Senate representatives (B)

2. What regions are included in the “Five Civilized Tribes”?
- Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole (D and E)

3. What is the correct order of the first four U.S. Presidents?
- George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison (A)

Therefore, Abby's answers are correct.

bro I still on this I need help I can never trust this place

I apologize for any confusion. If you have a specific question or need help with a concept, feel free to ask and I will do my best to assist you.