leila, Henry, and Miguel have a total of 87 in their wallets. Henry has 2 times what Miguel has. Leila has 5 less than Miguel. How much does each have?

m - Miguel

m + 2m + m - 5 = 87

4m - 5 = 87

4m = 92

m = 23

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to represent the amount of money each person has.

Let's say:
- The amount of money that Miguel has is M.
- The amount of money that Henry has is 2M (since Henry has 2 times what Miguel has).
- The amount of money that Leila has is M - 5 (since Leila has 5 less than Miguel).

According to the problem, the total amount of money they have together is 87. So, we can set up an equation:

M + 2M + (M - 5) = 87

Simplifying the equation:

4M - 5 = 87
4M = 92
M = 23

Now that we know the value of M, we can substitute it back into our equations to find the amounts for each person:

- Miguel has M = 23.
- Henry has 2M = 2 * 23 = 46.
- Leila has M - 5 = 23 - 5 = 18.

Therefore, Miguel has 23 dollars, Henry has 46 dollars, and Leila has 18 dollars.