1)Explain judical review and why is it important

2)How is the principle of federalism
connected to the idea of limited government

3)Give atleast two reasons why the article of confederation were inadequate to meet the needs of time

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1) Judicial review is the power of the courts to review and interpret laws and determine their constitutionality. It allows the judicial branch to review the actions of the executive and legislative branches to ensure they are in line with the constitution.

To understand judicial review, you can follow these steps:
a) Start by understanding the concept of separation of powers - the division of government powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
b) Know that the power of judicial review is derived from the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison in 1803.
c) Understand that judicial review grants the courts the authority to declare laws or government actions unconstitutional.
d) Recognize the importance of judicial review as a check on the other branches of government, preventing them from exceeding their constitutional authority.
e) Consider the role of the judiciary in upholding individual rights and protecting the constitutional framework.

2) Federalism is the principle of dividing power between a central government and regional or state governments. It is connected to the idea of limited government because federalism acts as a safeguard against a concentration of power in one entity.

To grasp the connection between federalism and limited government, follow these steps:
a) Start by understanding the concept of federalism as the division of power between the national and state governments.
b) Acknowledge that federalism provides a system of checks and balances between the different levels of government.
c) Recognize that federalism helps to prevent tyranny by distributing power among multiple governing bodies.
d) Understand that limited government refers to the idea that government powers should be restricted to protect individual rights.
e) Consider how federalism supports limited government by decentralizing power and allowing for local governance, giving citizens more control and preventing a dominant central authority.

3) There are several reasons why the Articles of Confederation were inadequate to meet the needs of the time. Two key reasons are:

a) Weak central government: The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government that lacked the authority to enforce laws, regulate commerce, or levy taxes effectively. This resulted in difficulties in governing the nation as a whole and hindered economic growth.

b) Inadequate national defense: The Articles of Confederation did not provide for a standing army or a centralized military authority. This made it difficult for the United States to defend itself against external threats and maintain national security.

To understand the inadequacies of the Articles of Confederation, you can consider these additional factors:
c) Lack of unified currency and economic regulations: The Articles did not grant the central government the power to regulate commerce or establish a unified currency, leading to economic challenges and trade disputes between states.
d) Inefficient decision-making process: The Articles required a unanimous vote of the states to amend the document, making it challenging to make necessary changes or address emerging issues promptly.
e) Weak central judiciary: The Articles did not establish a strong federal judiciary, resulting in inconsistencies in the interpretation and enforcement of laws.

By considering these reasons, you can grasp why the Articles of Confederation were deemed inadequate and eventually replaced by the U.S. Constitution.