what real complication does lady macbeth come aware of act 2 scene 2? This is in the story of Macbeth

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In Act 2, Scene 2 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth becomes aware of a complication related to the murder of King Duncan. The complication she becomes aware of is the psychological toll the murder has taken on her husband, Macbeth.

To find this information, you can read Act 2, Scene 2 of Macbeth. You can access this scene in various formats, such as a printed version of the play or an online copy.

In Act 2, Scene 2, Lady Macbeth accompanies her husband in the aftermath of the murder. She initially displays a cold and composed attitude, but as the scene progresses, she begins to notice Macbeth's troubled state of mind. She realizes that he is deeply affected by what he has done and is struggling with guilt, fear, and paranoia. This is evident in Macbeth's lines and actions, as he hallucinates, feels remorse, and expresses his anxiety about being caught.

Lady Macbeth becomes aware of this complication when she observes Macbeth's mental distress. She recognizes that his state of mind could jeopardize their plans and their own safety. Hence, she works to calm him down, reassure him, and assist in covering up the crime, in order to protect their ambitions and secure their position.

Overall, Lady Macbeth's realization of Macbeth's psychological turmoil is a significant complication that adds complexity to their plans and sets the stage for the further development of their characters and their actions in the play.