identify the word that is part of a compound predicate

"The Boys" , as they were called , amused and deligthed audiences everywhere
a. were
b. called**
c. delighted
d. none

Unit 2 Lesson 7

1. A (size)
2. C (point of earth directly above)
3. C (The scientific name for chocolate is Theobrina cacao)
4. B (Kelley studies the effects of the chemicals in chocolate)
5. D (You can grow them with artificial lightning)
6. A (Too much light will actually harm the plants)
7. A (Plants should be watered on a regular basis)
8. B (Bud Abbott and Lou Costello)
9. C ( Delighted)
10. C (Even on weekends, holidays, and vacations.)
11. D (If he passes the written test and the road test)
12. D (Ball)
13. A (Ball)
14. A (a subject)
15. C (direct object)
16. B (predicate)
17. D (a prepositional phrase)
18. A (would have given)
19. D ( indirect object)
I took the test


u sure. and okey then c

Yes, I'm sure. I taught middle and high school English grammar for many years.

Yes, c is correct.

To identify the word that is part of a compound predicate, you would need to understand the concept of a compound predicate first. In a sentence, a compound predicate consists of two or more verbs that are connected to the same subject and are expressing more than one action or state of being.

In the given sentence, "The Boys, as they were called, amused and delighted audiences everywhere", the subject is "The Boys" and there are two verbs or actions being expressed, which are "amused" and "delighted". The words "amused" and "delighted" together form the compound predicate in this sentence.

So, the correct answer is b. called.