Mr. Brown has 35 students in his class and wants to make teams of 5 students.

How many teams can he make?

7 teams

35 divided by 5 = ?

The question is not clearly stated.

Ms Sue's answer is correct based on that interpretation

I will interpret it that you want to know how many different teams of 5 students you can pick
ABCDE would be a different team from ABCDF

number of possible 5 member teams
= C(35,5) = 324,632

Another way would be to find the number of combination of 7 teams of 5 we could make

= C(35,5) x C(30,5) x C(25,5) x ... x C(5,5)
= 2.88 x 10^25
an incomprehensible large number

ROFL !!!!! yes

A comparision Den

To determine the number of teams Mr. Brown can make, we need to divide the number of students by the number of students per team.

In this case, Mr. Brown has 35 students and wants to make teams of 5 students each. So, we divide 35 by 5:

35 ÷ 5 = 7

Therefore, Mr. Brown can make 7 teams.