The accident........if the motorist had obeyed the speed limit.

A. Never happened
B. Never would happen
C. Would happen never
D never would have happened

What is the right tense?

perfect conditional: D

The other choices are

A: The accident never happen.
B: The accident never would happen if the motorist obeyed the speed limit.
C: same as B, but would never happen with a native speaker.

And even B would more likely be "would never happen"

Oops: A (simple declaration) is

The accident never happened.

And Kaba thinks ... ??

What is the right sentence of this sentence:

The nurse's notes in the medical record indicate the patient's pain was severe.

The correct tense to use in this sentence is the past perfect tense. In this case, the right tense is option D: "never would have happened."

When we talk about a hypothetical situation in the past, we use the past perfect tense to express a condition that was not met. In this example, we are referring to an accident that did happen, but considering what could have happened if the motorist had obeyed the speed limit.

To arrive at the correct answer, we can break down the sentence and consider the verb tense:

1. "The accident..."
2. "If the motorist had obeyed the speed limit."

In the second part of the sentence, "had obeyed" is in the past perfect tense because it refers to an action that should have been completed before the accident occurred. Therefore, the appropriate answer is D: never would have happened.