A cube of edge 2cm and mass 10g is placed on the surface of a table. What is the pressure exerted by the cube on the table.

Pressure(P) =F/A,F=mg & 2cm = 0.02m (converting to MKS) so P=mg/a .Thus F=10g * 9.8m/s2 = 98 N P=F/A= 98N/0.02m =1.96 N/M2

pressure=force/area=.01kg*9.8N/kg /.02^2 in Newtons.

Newtons/m^2 = Pascals

Prf Damon is correct. Pressure is in Pascals, or N/m^2. I still had you last question in my mind.

To calculate the pressure exerted by the cube on the table, you need to know the formula for pressure and the weight of the cube.

Pressure is defined as the force per unit area. It is calculated using the formula:

Pressure = Force / Area

In this case, the force is the weight of the cube, and the area is the contact area between the cube and the table.

First, let's calculate the weight of the cube. Weight is the force exerted by an object due to gravity and is calculated using the formula:

Weight = mass x gravitational acceleration

Given that the mass of the cube is 10g (which is equivalent to 0.01kg) and the gravitational acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s^2, we can calculate the weight:

Weight = 0.01kg x 9.8 m/s^2

Weight = 0.098N

Now let's calculate the contact area between the cube and the table. Since the cube is a regular cube, all its faces are identical squares. The contact area between the cube and the table is the area of one of these squares.

The formula to calculate the area of a square is:

Area = side x side

Given that the edge length of the cube is 2cm (which is equivalent to 0.02m), we can calculate the contact area:

Area = 0.02m x 0.02m

Area = 0.0004m^2

Now we can substitute the values into the pressure formula:

Pressure = Weight / Area

Pressure = 0.098N / 0.0004m^2

Pressure ≈ 245 Pa

Therefore, the pressure exerted by the cube on the table is approximately 245 Pascal (Pa).