Kyle reads 3/4 pages in 1 minute. How many minutes will it take him to read 4 1/2 pages?

(3/4) / 1 = x / 4 1/2

0.75 / 1 = x / 4.5

Cross multiply and solve for x.

Not understanding your problem Mrs.Sue. Can you please break it down. Thank you!

0.75 / 1 = x / 4.5

x = 0.75 * 4.5

x = 3.375 = 3 1/8 pages

To find out how many minutes it will take Kyle to read 4 1/2 pages, we need to set up a proportion based on the rate at which he reads.

The given information tells us that Kyle reads 3/4 pages in 1 minute. We can write this as:

(3/4) pages / 1 minute

Let's assume it will take "x" minutes for Kyle to read 4 1/2 pages. We can write this as:

(4 1/2) pages / x minutes

To set up the proportion, we equate the ratios on both sides:

(3/4) / 1 = (4 1/2) / x

To simplify this equation, we first convert 4 1/2 into an improper fraction. To do this, we multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator (2), and then add the numerator (1). This gives us:

(4 * 2 + 1)/2 = 9/2

Now our equation becomes:

(3/4) / 1 = (9/2) / x

To solve for "x", we cross-multiply:

(3/4) * x = 1 * (9/2)

Now we can multiply the fractions:

(3/4) * x = 9/2

To eliminate the fraction, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of (3/4), which is (4/3):

(x * 4/3) * (3/4) = (9/2) * (4/3)

This simplifies to:

x = (36/6)

Dividing 36 by 6 gives us the value of "x":

x = 6

So, it will take Kyle 6 minutes to read 4 1/2 pages.