A number is 830 when rounded off to the nearest tenth.what is the greatest possible value of the number

Actually, when rounding to the nearest tenth, it should be written


to indicate that tenths are being counted.

So, with that in mind, what do you think?


I dont get it



To find the greatest possible value of the number rounded off to the nearest tenth, we need to determine the number that would round up to 830 when rounded to the nearest tenth.

Let's consider the tenths place value in the number 830. To round a number to the nearest tenth, we look at the digit immediately to the right of the tenths place.

In this case, the digit immediately to the right of the tenths place is 0. Since 0 is less than 5, we round down.

To find the greatest possible value, we need to consider the next digit to the right of 0, which is the hundredths place. If the digit in the hundredths place is 5 or greater, we would round up to the next tenth.

The number 830 rounded to the nearest tenth would be 830.0 since the hundredths place is 0.

To find the greatest possible value, we would look at numbers that would round up to 830.0 when rounded to the nearest tenth. The only possibility is 830.0 itself.

Therefore, the greatest possible value of the number rounded off to the nearest tenth is 830.0.