in the bobcat's last football game the team gained 7 yards on a play then lost 12 yards and then gained 6 yards. what integer can be used to represent the total yard gained or lost on those 3 plays?

7 + 6 - 12 = ?



To find the total yard gained or lost on those 3 plays, we need to add the yardage gained on each play and subtract the yardage lost. Let's represent yard gained as a positive integer and yard lost as a negative integer.

The yardage gained on the first play is 7 yards, so we can represent it as +7.

The yardage lost on the second play is 12 yards, so we can represent it as -12.

The yardage gained on the third play is 6 yards, so we can represent it as +6.

Now, let's add the yardage gained and subtract the yardage lost:

+7 + (-12) + 6 = -5

Therefore, the total yard gained or lost on those 3 plays is -5 yards.