1. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

Samantha tried to look IMPASSIVE when they announced her essay as a finalist in the competition.  (1 point)





2.   Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

As a species, we were an ABOMINATION. All of us. (from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings)

something worthy of fear

something worthy of anxiety

something worthy of shock

something worthy of disgust***

3.   Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

Mrs. Gonzales REITERATED the directions to the class.   (1 point)





4.   Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

The ugliness they left was PALPABLE.  (1 point)

able to be felt***



Match the definitions to the words by filling in the correct letter.
A. hopeless; depressing BLEAK
B. threatening MENACING
C. not giving up INSISTENT
D. highly respected PRESTIGIOUS
E. graceful; agile LITHE

Use the word bank to answer the question.


Use the word bank to answer the question.


Use the word bank to answer the question.

bleak MY ANSWER: A. Hopeless;Depressing

Use the word bank to answer the question.


Use the word bank to answer the question.


10.   The author of “My Brother’s Keeper” emphasizes Jamie’s conflict by  (1 point)

describing the car accident in detail.

detailing Jamie’s physical appearance and good grades.

flashing back to earlier events with his brother Ted.***

including the incident of his parents’ death.

11.   The story “My Brother’s Keeper” is told through the point of view of  (1 point)




a narrator.***

12.   At the end of “The Bass, the River, and Shelia Mant,” the narrator feels that  (1 point)

Sheila would be better off with a different guy.

Sheila will eventually like him.

Sheila is missing out when she rejects him.

He should do more to impress Sheila.***

13.   In “The Bass, the River, and Shelia Mant,” the narrator invites Sheila to  (1 point)

see a band in Dixford.

see a movie at the theater in town.

go out to dinner.

go for a walk around the lake.***

14.   According to the speaker in "The First Lesson," a dead man's float is  (1 point)

lying face down in the water.***

diving energetically in the tidewater.

thrashing to the island aimlessly.

the sea holding the swimmer facing upward.

15.   The author of “On Turning Ten” includes the childhood fantasies, such as being invisible or a prince, in order to  (1 point)

show the creativity of the speaker.

explain why he no longer rides his bike.

contrast the playfulness of younger days with the more serious present.***

show how the child narrator spent his time before he was terminally ill.

16.   In “Hanging Fire,” the recurring line “and momma’s in the bedroom with the door closed” creates the feeling of  (1 point)





17.   In I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the speaker states she felt like crying when she heard the lines “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”  What did she feel was keeping her from being the master of her fate?  (1 point)

growing up in the South

the prejudice against her race***

being outperformed by Henry Reed

dropping out of school in the eighth grade

18.   The speaker in My Forbidden Face sets her canary loose because  (1 point)

her father forced her.

it symbolized her freedom.***

they could no longer afford to feed it.

they had to move to a new apartment.

I need help on some work


The answer to question 1 is unemotional.

The answer to question 2 is something worthy of disgust.

The answer to question 3 is repeated.

The answer to question 4 is able to be felt.

Answer for question 5: D. highly respected

Answer for question 6: E. graceful; agile

Answer for question 7: A. hopeless; depressing

Answer for question 8: C. not giving up

Answer for question 9: B. threatening

The answer to question 10 is flashing back to earlier events with his brother Ted.

The answer to question 11 is a narrator.

The answer to question 12 is He should do more to impress Sheila.

The answer to question 13 is go for a walk around the lake.

The answer to question 14 is lying face down in the water.

The answer to question 15 is contrast the playfulness of younger days with the more serious present.

The answer to question 16 is isolation.

The answer to question 17 is the prejudice against her race.

The answer to question 18 is it symbolized her freedom.

To answer these questions, we need to analyze the context and meanings of the words in italics.

1. The word in italics is "impassive." To choose the answer that best matches this word, we need to determine its meaning. "Impassive" means not showing emotion or not emotionally affected. Based on the definitions provided, the best answer is "unemotional."

2. The word in italics is "abomination." To choose the answer that best matches this word, we need to determine its meaning. "Abomination" means something worthy of disgust or extreme hatred. Based on the definitions provided, the best answer is "something worthy of disgust."

3. The word in italics is "reiterated." To choose the answer that best matches this word, we need to determine its meaning. "Reiterated" means to state or repeat something again, usually for emphasis. Based on the definitions provided, the best answer is "repeated."

4. The word in italics is "palpable." To choose the answer that best matches this word, we need to determine its meaning. "Palpable" means able to be felt or sensed. Based on the definitions provided, the best answer is "able to be felt."

5. The word "prestigious" means highly respected. The answer is correct.

6. The word "lithe" means graceful and agile. The answer is correct.

7. The word "bleak" means hopeless and depressing. The answer is correct.

8. The word "insistent" means not giving up or persistent. The answer is correct.

9. The word "menacing" means threatening or dangerous. The answer is correct.

10. To answer this question, you need to read the story "My Brother's Keeper." The author emphasizes Jamie's conflict by flashing back to earlier events with his brother Ted.

11. To answer this question, you need to identify the narrator of the story "My Brother's Keeper." The story is told through the point of view of a narrator.

12. To answer this question, you need to interpret the ending of the story "The Bass, the River, and Shelia Mant." In the end, the narrator feels that he should do more to impress Sheila.

13. To answer this question, you need to recall what the narrator of "The Bass, the River, and Shelia Mant" invites Sheila to do. The narrator invites Sheila to go for a walk around the lake.

14. To answer this question, you need to understand the meaning of the term "dead man's float" from the context of the poem "The First Lesson." The term refers to lying face down in the water.

15. To answer this question, you need to analyze the purpose of including childhood fantasies in the poem "On Turning Ten." The author includes these fantasies to contrast the playfulness of younger days with the more serious present.

16. To answer this question, you need to analyze the effect of the recurring line "and momma’s in the bedroom with the door closed" in the poem "Hanging Fire." The line creates the feeling of isolation.

17. To answer this question, you need to interpret the speaker's reaction to the lines "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" in the book "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings." The speaker feels that prejudice against her race is keeping her from being the master of her fate.

18. To answer this question, you need to understand why the speaker in "My Forbidden Face" sets her canary loose. The speaker sets her canary loose because it symbolized her freedom.