Describe what makes a mineral unique from other substances.

This is (my answer) Its not a lot tho :( Answer:A mineral is a natural occurring crystalline. Minerals are naturally occurring.

PLS HELP It's worth 4 points.

To provide a more comprehensive answer, let's break down the unique characteristics of minerals compared to other substances:

1. Natural Occurrence: Minerals are formed naturally through geological processes and are not created artificially. They originate from the Earth's crust or from various geological activities, such as volcanic eruptions or the cooling of magma.

2. Inorganic: Minerals are inorganic substances, meaning they are not derived from living organisms. While some minerals may be found in organic materials, such as shells or bones, the minerals themselves are formed through inorganic processes.

3. Crystalline Structure: Minerals have a specific internal structure that is orderly and repetitive. This structure, known as a crystal lattice, is made up of atoms arranged in a particular pattern, resulting in a unique geometric shape. The repetition of this structure creates well-defined faces and angles on the surfaces of mineral crystals.

4. Solid State: Minerals exist in solid form at normal temperatures and pressures. They maintain a definite shape and volume, unlike liquids or gases. However, some minerals may undergo transformation under specific conditions, such as changes in temperature, pressure, or exposure to moisture.

5. Chemical Composition: Each mineral consists of specific elements arranged in a particular ratio. These chemical compositions give minerals their unique physical and chemical properties. For example, quartz is composed of silicon and oxygen atoms arranged in a specific pattern, resulting in its characteristic hardness and transparency.

By considering these characteristics, we can distinguish minerals from other substances. When trying to identify a mineral, scientists often use techniques like X-ray diffraction, chemical analysis, and observation of its physical properties such as color, hardness, and luster.