A pool is 8 meters by 5 meters wide. It has a walkway around the pool that is .8 meters wide. What is the area of the walkway?

entire area - pool area - walkway area

(8+2*.8)(5+2*.8) - 8*5 = ?

To find the area of the walkway around the pool, we can subtract the area of the pool itself from the total area including the walkway. Let's break down the steps:

1. Calculate the area of the pool:
The pool is 8 meters by 5 meters, so its area is 8 meters × 5 meters = 40 square meters.

2. Calculate the overall dimensions of the pool including the walkway:
Since the walkway is .8 meters wide on each side, we need to add 2 times .8 meters to the length and width of the pool:
Length = 8 meters + 2 × .8 meters = 8 meters + 1.6 meters = 9.6 meters
Width = 5 meters + 2 × .8 meters = 5 meters + 1.6 meters = 6.6 meters

3. Calculate the total area of the pool including the walkway:
The total area is Length × Width = 9.6 meters × 6.6 meters = 63.36 square meters.

4. Calculate the area of the pool itself:
We already know that the area of the pool is 40 square meters from step 1.

5. Calculate the area of the walkway:
To find the area of the walkway, we subtract the area of the pool from the total area:
Area of the walkway = Total area - Pool area = 63.36 square meters - 40 square meters = 23.36 square meters.

Therefore, the area of the walkway around the pool is 23.36 square meters.