Based on Common sense and the crisis what conclusion can be made about Thomas Paine?

A : Thomas Paine accepted blame for causing the war

B: Thomas Paine believed that colonist should remain loyal to the king

C : Thomas Paine used his writing to persuade and inspire others.

D : Thomas Paine was anti-war

I'll be glad to check your answer.

My answer is C

Right, C.

i think is c because thomas wanted people to see the value in themselves


To determine the conclusion about Thomas Paine based on common sense and the crisis, we need to consider his writings and his role during the American Revolution. Thomas Paine was a prominent figure during this time and is best known for his influential pamphlet called "Common Sense."

To find the answer, we can look at the content of "Common Sense" and the impact it had on the colonists. This pamphlet was written in 1776 and played a pivotal role in convincing many colonists to support the American Revolution and separate from British rule. Paine argued passionately for independence from Britain, asserting that it was both common sense and the natural right of the colonists to govern themselves.

From this information, we can conclude that Thomas Paine used his writings to persuade and inspire others, as stated in option C. His work in "Common Sense" had a significant impact on shaping the colonists' beliefs and influencing their decision to fight for independence. Therefore, the most accurate conclusion about Thomas Paine is that he utilized his writing to persuade and inspire others during the American crisis.