
find x plz show me working

you will not solve this algebraically. Use a numeric approximation or read it from a graph, such as


nasty, nasty equation.

You will have to resort to methods such as Newton's Method to solve
simple but tedious and boring way:
set your calculator to radians
pick some values of x, e.g. let x = 1
LS = 150sin1 = 126.2...
RS = 1 + 69.8 = 70.64 , nope
let x = .5
LS = 150sin.5 = 71.91..
RS = .5+ 69.8 = 69.97.. , actually not bad
let x = .45
LS = 150sin .45 = 65 , I know that is too low since we have to add 69.97 to x

let x = .475
LS = 150sin.475 = 68.6.., again too low
let x = .49
LS = 150sin.49 = 70.593..
RS = .49+69.97 = 70.46 , hey, getting close

you can continue in this way ..... boooring!

Newtons's method.
let y = 150sinx - x - 69.98
y' = dy/dx = 150cosx - 1

newx = x - (150sinx - x - 69.98)/(150x - 1)

let's start with x = .49
newx = .49 - (150sin.48-.49-69.97)/(150cosx -1)
= .488980713, which differs from .49
let x = .488980713
newx = .48898.., which differs from my previous x by .000000279
Hey, I am happy with that.
Here is a graph of what Wolfram shows from x = 0 to 2π

Notice that there is another solution at about x = 2.6
Use my method above with a starting value of x = 2.6

So now you have 2 values from 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π
you know the period of sinx is 2π, so adding multiples of 2π repeatedly to my two answers will produce any number of solutions you want.

Notice our two solutions are in the list.

To solve the equation 150sin(x) = x + 69.98, we need to use a numerical method as it cannot be solved algebraically. One of the most common numerical methods is the Newton-Raphson method. Here's how you can use this method to find the value of x.

1. Define the equation:
f(x) = 150sin(x) - x - 69.98

2. Calculate the derivative of the equation with respect to x:
f'(x) = 150cos(x) - 1

3. Choose an initial guess for the value of x. Let's start with x = 0.

4. Use the following iteration formula of the Newton-Raphson method to find an increasingly accurate approximation of x:

x(n+1) = x(n) - f(x(n)) / f'(x(n))

Iteration 1:
x(1) = 0 - (150sin(0) - 0 - 69.98) / (150cos(0) - 1) = -0.466

Iteration 2:
x(2) = -0.466 - (150sin(-0.466) - (-0.466) - 69.98) / (150cos(-0.466) - 1) = -0.273

Repeat this process until you reach a desired level of accuracy or convergence.

5. Continue iterating until the difference between x(n) and x(n+1) is smaller than your desired level of precision. For example, let's aim for a precision of 0.0001.

Iteration 3:
x(3) = -0.262

Iteration 4:
x(4) = -0.262

Since the difference between x(3) and x(4) is smaller than 0.0001, we can consider -0.262 as our solution for x.

Therefore, x ≈ -0.262.