I need help solving this equation. -2x+4=2(4x-3)-3(-8+4x)

I think the answer may be -7

never mind its positive 7

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but the answer isn't quite -7. Brace yourself for a little algebraic rollercoaster! Let's break it down step by step.

-2x + 4 = 2(4x - 3) - 3(-8 + 4x)

First, let's simplify the equation:

-2x + 4 = 8x - 6 + 24 - 12x

Now let's combine like terms:

-2x + 4 = -4x + 18

Next, let's get all the x's on one side of the equation:

-2x + 4x = 18 - 4

This gives us:

2x = 14

Finally, to find the value of x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 7

So, the correct answer is x = 7, not -7. See, algebra can be quite a tricky clown sometimes!

To solve the equation -2x + 4 = 2(4x - 3) - 3(-8 + 4x), follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the values inside the brackets.
-2x + 4 = 8x - 6 -(-24 + 12x)

Simplifying the negative sign in front of the second bracket:
-2x + 4 = 8x - 6 + 24 - 12x

Step 2: Combine like terms on each side of the equation.
-2x + 4 = -4x + 18

Step 3: Move all the variables to one side by adding or subtracting them.
To do this, you can subtract 8x from both sides:
-2x - 8x + 4 = -4x - 8x + 18

-10x + 4 = -12x + 18

Step 4: Move all the constants to the other side by adding or subtracting them.
To do this, you can subtract 4 from both sides:
-10x + 4 - 4 = -12x + 18 - 4

-10x = -12x + 14

Step 5: Move all the variables to one side by adding or subtracting them.
To do this, you can add 12x to both sides:
-10x + 12x = -12x + 14 + 12x

2x = 14

Step 6: Solve for x by dividing both sides by 2.
2x/2 = 14/2

x = 7

Therefore, the solution to the equation -2x + 4 = 2(4x - 3) - 3(-8 + 4x) is x = 7, not -7.

To solve the equation -2x + 4 = 2(4x - 3) - 3(-8 + 4x), we will follow the steps of simplifying and isolating the variable (x).

1. Distribute the 2 and the -3:
-2x + 4 = 8x - 6 + 24 - 12x

2. Combine like terms:
-2x + 4 = -4x + 18

3. Add 4x to both sides to isolate the x terms:
4x - 2x + 4 = -4x + 4x + 18
2x + 4 = 18

4. Subtract 4 from both sides to isolate the constant term:
2x + 4 - 4 = 18 - 4
2x = 14

5. Divide both sides by 2 to solve for x:
(2x)/2 = 14/2
x = 7

Therefore, the solution to the equation -2x + 4 = 2(4x - 3) - 3(-8 + 4x) is x = 7.