Rank the following atoms in order of decreasing electronegativity, putting the most electronegative first:

F, Ne, O, N, C

Left to right in the periodic table the electronegativity (EN) increases. F is the most EN.

To rank the atoms in order of decreasing electronegativity, we need to refer to the periodic table. Electronegativity generally increases from left to right across a period and decreases as you go down a group.

Here is the ordered list of the atoms based on decreasing electronegativity:

F > O > N > C > Ne

Fluorine (F) is considered the most electronegative element. Oxygen (O) is the next most electronegative, followed by Nitrogen (N), Carbon (C), and Neon (Ne), which is the least electronegative among these elements.

To rank these atoms in order of decreasing electronegativity, we need to compare their electronegativity values. Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond. The most electronegative element is Fluorine (F), and the least electronegative is Francium (Fr).

However, in your question, you provided a list of atoms that includes only Fluorine (F), Neon (Ne), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), and Carbon (C), which are all nonmetals. So we can compare their electronegativities using a periodic table.

The Pauling scale is a widely used scale to measure electronegativity. Here, we will use the Pauling electronegativity values to rank the provided atoms:

1. Fluorine (F) - Electronegativity: 3.98
2. Oxygen (O) - Electronegativity: 3.44
3. Nitrogen (N) - Electronegativity: 3.04
4. Carbon (C) - Electronegativity: 2.55
5. Neon (Ne) - Electronegativity: not applicable (as it is a noble gas)

From highest to lowest electronegativity, the ranking is:
F > O > N > C > Ne

Therefore, Fluorine (F) has the highest electronegativity, followed by Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Carbon (C), and Neon (Ne).