Miguel walks 3/4 mile around the high school track in 1/2 hour.how far can he walk in 2 hours?

Use a proportion.

(3/4)/(1/2) = x / 2

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find out how far Miguel can walk in 2 hours, we need to determine how far he can walk in one hour, and then multiply that by 2.

We are given that Miguel walks 3/4 mile in 1/2 hour.

To find out how far Miguel walks in one hour, we can multiply the distance he walks in 1/2 hour by 2.

(3/4 mile) * 2 = 3/2 mile

Therefore, Miguel can walk 3/2 mile in one hour.

To find out how far Miguel can walk in 2 hours, we can multiply the distance he walks in one hour by 2.

(3/2 mile) * 2 = 3 mile

Therefore, Miguel can walk 3 miles in 2 hours.

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