water flows into a reservoir at 2000l/min. the depth of the reservoir is to be kept constant by installing some discharge pipes 1m below the surface of water in the reservoir and diameter of the pipes are 25mm. calculate the number of pipes needed.

I tried using the Bernoulli equation for this but I'm lost. pls help

To find the number of discharge pipes needed to keep the depth of the reservoir constant, you'll need to consider the flow rate of water through each pipe and compare it with the flow rate of water flowing into the reservoir.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Convert the flow rate of water flowing into the reservoir from liters per minute to cubic meters per second (since the units will be consistent with the flow rate through the pipes):
- 1 liter = 0.001 cubic meters
- 1 minute = 60 seconds

So, the flow rate into the reservoir is 2000 * 0.001 / 60 = 0.0333 cubic meters per second.

2. Determine the flow rate through a single discharge pipe by using the equation of continuity, which states that the flow rate (Q) is equal to the product of the cross-sectional area (A) and the velocity of the fluid (V):
- Q = A * V

The area of a circular pipe is given by the formula A = π * r^2, where r is the radius of the pipe. Given that the diameter of the pipes is 25mm, the radius is 25 / 2 = 12.5mm = 0.0125m.

Since the pipes are installed 1m below the surface of the water, the head acting on the pipes will be the height from the surface of the reservoir to the center of the pipe inlet. This height is 1m.

Applying Bernoulli's equation (which accounts for fluid pressure and elevation), we have:
- P + 0.5*ρ*V^2 + ρ*g*h = constant

In this case, we can ignore the pressure term (P) and assume the velocity of water at the inlet to be negligible compared to the velocity at the outlet, so the equation simplifies to:
- 0.5*ρ*V^2 + ρ*g*h = constant

Solving for V^2, we get:
- V^2 = 2*g*h

Substituting the values of g (acceleration due to gravity) and h (the height), we get:
- V^2 = 2 * 9.8 * 1 = 19.6 m^2/s^2

Now we can calculate the flow rate (Q) through a single pipe using the equation of continuity:
- Q = A * V
= (π * r^2) * √(2 * g * h)
= (π * 0.0125^2) * √(2 * 9.8 * 1)

This gives us the flow rate through a single pipe in cubic meters per second.

3. Finally, calculate the number of pipes needed to handle the flow rate into the reservoir by dividing the flow rate into the reservoir by the flow rate through a single pipe:
- Number of pipes = Flow rate into the reservoir / Flow rate through a single pipe

And that's it! Just plug in the values for the flow rate into the reservoir and the flow rate through a single pipe to find the number of pipes needed to keep the depth of the reservoir constant.