How do you convert 50.4 mi/h to m/s? 1 mi = 1609 m. Please explain it to me because I don't get it


Notice I multiplied by unit factors (unit means one, denominator is equal to numberator), to change units. Study what I wrote above.


To convert 50.4 mi/h to m/s, you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Write down the given conversion factor:
1 mi = 1609 m

Step 2: Determine the unit you want to convert from:
We want to convert from mi/h (miles per hour) to m/s (meters per second).

Step 3: Convert the unit:
To convert from miles to meters, we use the conversion factor 1 mi = 1609 m. Since we have miles in the numerator (top) of the fraction, we need to multiply by the conversion factor to cancel out the miles unit.

50.4 mi/h * (1609 m/1 mi)

Step 4: Calculate the result:
Now, let's calculate the result:

50.4 mi/h * (1609 m/1 mi) = (50.4 * 1609) m/h

Note: Before continuing, we have to be aware of the units we want in the final answer. We need to convert from hours to seconds, so we will need another conversion factor.

Step 5: Apply the second conversion factor:
There are 3600 seconds in one hour, so we can use the conversion factor 1 h = 3600 s.

(50.4 * 1609) m/h * (1 h/3600 s)

Step 6: Simplify the units:
Let's simplify the units by canceling out "h" from the numerator and denominator:

(50.4 * 1609) m/ (3600 s)

Step 7: Calculate the final result:
Now, let's calculate the final result:

(50.4 * 1609)/3600 m/s ≈ 22.533 m/s

Therefore, 50.4 mi/h is approximately equal to 22.533 m/s.