SIG FIGS. how many sig figs in 6:70. hOW TO FIND SIG FIGS IN TIMe.

well, 6:70 is not even a valid time, but assuming it's minutes and seconds,

6:70 = 490 seconds.
Looks like 2 SD

To determine the number of significant figures in a given number, follow these rules:

1. Non-zero digits (1-9) are always significant.

2. Any zeros between non-zero digits are also significant. For example, in the number 101, there are three significant figures.

3. Leading zeros (zeros to the left of the first non-zero digit) are not significant and should be ignored. For example, in the number 0.0056, there are two significant figures.

4. Trailing zeros (zeros to the right of the last non-zero digit) are significant if there is a decimal point present. For example, in the number 56.00, there are four significant figures.

Now, let's apply these rules to your example:

1. 6:70 - The colon (:) is not a valid digit, so it should be ignored.

2. The number becomes 670 - Both digits 6 and 7 are non-zero, so they are significant.

Therefore, the number 6:70 has two significant figures.

Regarding your question about finding significant figures in time, significant figures are determined based on the precision or accuracy of the measurement, not time specifically. However, if you are referring to representing time with specific precision, the same rules for significant figures apply when working with measured time values.