national emergencies, advances in technology, and demand for services have increased congress's acceptance of which view?

A. conservative constructionists
B. liberal constructionists
C. radical constructionists
D. strict constructionist

My best answer is D

No. Look up constitution constructionist.

is it b

Yes, B.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand the concepts of national emergencies, advances in technology, and the demand for services in relation to Congress's view.

National emergencies often require quick and decisive action from the government, which may necessitate a more flexible interpretation of the Constitution. Advances in technology can also raise new legal and ethical questions that may require a broader understanding of the Constitution. Finally, the increasing demand for services suggests a need for a more expansive role of the government in addressing societal issues.

Given these factors, it is likely that Congress's acceptance would align more with a liberal or broad interpretation of the Constitution rather than a conservative or strict interpretation. Liberal constructionists generally believe that the Constitution should be interpreted to adapt to changing circumstances, while strict constructionists would argue for a more limited interpretation of the Constitution.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is likely B. liberal constructionists. However, it's important to note that congressional acceptance can vary depending on the specific issue and political climate at any given time.