Juan sells suits in a major department store on weekends.He earns a commission of 5% on the first 10 suits, and if he sells more than 10 He earns an additional 3% on the additional suits. Last weekend Juan sold 13 suits at a price of $250 each. What was his commission ? A( $210.40 B( $147.50 C( $260.00 D($185.00

13 * 250 * 0.05 = 162.50

162.50 + (3 * 0.03 * 250) = ?

To find Juan's commission, we first calculate the total number of suits he sold. Since he sold 13 suits, he exceeded the threshold of 10 suits. Therefore, we can split the calculation into two parts: the commission on the first 10 suits and the additional commission on the remaining 3 suits.

Commission on the first 10 suits:
To find the total commission on the first 10 suits, we multiply the number of suits by the commission rate. Since the commission rate is 5%, the commission on the first 10 suits is:

Commission on the first 10 suits = Number of suits * Commission rate
= 10 * 0.05
= $0.50 per suit

Therefore, the commission on the first 10 suits is $0.50 per suit.

Additional commission on the remaining 3 suits:
Since Juan sold 13 suits, which is more than 10 suits, there are 3 additional suits on which he earns an extra commission. The additional commission rate is 3%. Therefore, the additional commission on the remaining 3 suits is:

Additional commission on the remaining 3 suits = Number of remaining suits * Additional commission rate
= 3 * 0.03
= $0.09 per suit

Therefore, the additional commission on the remaining 3 suits is $0.09 per suit.

Total commission:
To find the total commission, we add the commission on the first 10 suits to the additional commission on the remaining 3 suits. Therefore, the total commission is:

Total commission = Commission on the first 10 suits + Additional commission on the remaining 3 suits
= (Commission on the first 10 suits per suit * Number of first 10 suits) + (Additional commission on the remaining suits per suit * Number of remaining suits)
= ($0.50 per suit * 10 suits) + ($0.09 per suit * 3 suits)
= $5 + $0.27
= $5.27

Therefore, Juan's commission is $5.27.

Since none of the given answer choices match $5.27, we need to recalculate the commission based on the suit price.

Commission based on the suit price:
Given that the suit price is $250, we multiply the suit price by the number of suits sold to calculate the total sales made by Juan. Then we multiply the total sales by the commission rate to find the commission.

Total sales = Suit price * Number of suits
= $250 * 13
= $3250

Commission = Total sales * Commission rate
= $3250 * 0.05
= $162.50

Therefore, Juan's commission is $162.50.

Since none of the given answer choices match $162.50, it seems there was an error in the answer choices provided. Please check for updated answer choices or verify the calculations to find the correct commission amount.
