1 - Which word can be a synonym for the word PERSISTENT?

A. weak
B. stubborn **
C. dishonest
D. unclear

2 - Which word is similar in meaning to the word SUPPRESSED?

A. obvious
B. indirect
C. perceived
D. stifled **

Yes, both are right.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

To find the answer to question 1, you need to identify a synonym for the word "persistent." Synonyms are words that have similar meanings.

To do this, you can use a thesaurus, which is a great tool for finding synonyms and antonyms. Here are the steps to find a synonym for "persistent":

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine like Google.
2. Type in "synonym for persistent" in the search bar.
3. Press enter or click the search button to see the results.
4. Look through the results for a word that means the same as "persistent."

Based on the options given, the correct answer is B. stubborn, as it is a synonym for "persistent."

To find the answer to question 2, you need to identify a word similar in meaning to the word "suppressed."

To do this, you can use a dictionary or a thesaurus. Here's how you can find a word similar in meaning to "suppressed":

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine.
2. Type in "synonym for suppressed" or "meaning of suppressed" in the search bar.
3. Press enter or click the search button to see the results.
4. Look through the results for a word that has a similar meaning to "suppressed."

Based on the options given, the correct answer is D. stifled, as it is a word that has a similar meaning to "suppressed."

Note: It's always helpful to have a dictionary or a thesaurus readily available to assist you in finding synonyms and understanding word meanings.