One sample that is 1mm in height has a melting point range of 200-201. What would be the melting point range of a 10mm sample in height if both samples heating rate is 2 degrees Celsius per minute? I'm thinking it would be about 2000-2010 but I'm not fully sure. I used algebra to get that result.

To determine the melting point range of a 10mm sample, we need to consider the heating rate and the proportionality of the increase in temperature.

If both samples have the same heating rate, we can assume that the temperature increase will be proportional for both samples. Therefore, we can use the ratio of their heights to calculate the corresponding melting point range.

Let's set up the proportion:

The height of the 10mm sample is 10 times that of the 1mm sample.
The melting point range of the 1mm sample is 200-201 degrees Celsius.

Using the proportion, we can calculate the melting point range of the 10mm sample:

((10mm sample height) / (1mm sample height)) = ((melting point range of 10mm sample) / (melting point range of 1mm sample))

10 / 1 = (melting point range of 10mm sample) / (200-201)

Simplifying the equation:

10 = (melting point range of 10mm sample) / (1)

From this equation, we can see that the melting point range of the 10mm sample should be 10 times that of the 1mm sample's range. Therefore:

(melting point range of 10mm sample) = 10 * (200-201)

Calculating the result:

(melting point range of 10mm sample) = 10 * (-1) = -10

Based on this calculation, the melting point range of the 10mm sample would be -10 to -9 degrees Celsius. However, it's important to note that negative temperatures are not physically meaningful since the Celsius scale starts at 0 degrees. Therefore, the resulting range is not practically accurate.

In conclusion, using algebra to calculate the melting point range of the 10mm sample based on proportions and the heating rate, the resulting range would be -10 to -9 degrees Celsius. However, this result is not practically meaningful, and we need to consider other factors or additional information to obtain a reliable estimate.