1. Which of the following provides the best definition of a strict constructionist interpretation of

congressional power?
(1 point)
Congress must have more powers than the states.
Congress should only use implied powers when directly connected to expressed powers.
Congress should only use powers directly listed in the Constitution.
Broad interpretation of the implied powers is important to maintain a strong nation


The correct answers are...

1. B
2. D
3. A

For future reference to anybody reading this take Ms.Sue's answers with a grain of salt or ignore them entirely. They are usually wrong, and when she isn't wrong she is extremely rude about answering.

Ms Sue is trying to steer you in the wrong direction, so I recommend not EVER taking her answer in consideration...

ALSOOOO hlsml is 100% right

ms sue find a new hobby G

B D A! Jus took it, don't listen to ms sue she always gives the wrong answeres. Jus took the quick check 3/3 100%

BDA y'all we blessed

1. B

2. D
3. A
4. a and b


It's bda yall 100%

1. B

2. D
3. A

i just took it :)

Thanks So much Guys! ;D


100% gotchu dawg