Which is correct? I think the second one is correct.

1. Thank you John, Peter, Susan, and Veronica to be a part of the crew.


2. Thank you John, Peter, Susan, and Veronica for being a part of the crew.

If you put commas after "you" and "Veronica", the second one will be correct.

The first one is definitely incorrect!

What about commas?

Thank you, John, Peter, Susan and Veronica, for being a part of the crew.

In this case, the correct sentence would be the second one: "Thank you John, Peter, Susan, and Veronica for being a part of the crew."

To determine which sentence is correct, you can examine the grammar and the usage of the words in each sentence.

In the first sentence, the phrase "to be a part of the crew" is used. This construction implies an incomplete action, as if the individuals mentioned (John, Peter, Susan, and Veronica) have yet to actually join the crew. However, based on the context of the sentence, it seems that the individuals are already part of the crew.

In the second sentence, the phrase "for being a part of the crew" is used. This construction implies that the individuals mentioned (John, Peter, Susan, and Veronica) are already part of the crew. It accurately expresses gratitude towards them for their current involvement.

To determine the correct sentence, it's essential to consider the intended meaning and the context of the situation. Since it appears that the individuals are already part of the crew, the second sentence is the correct choice.