Mr. Riley can make a profit by raising AT LEAST 50, but no more than 150, cattle. If c represents the number of cattle, write the inequality that best expresses the situation.

50 <= c <= 150

To write the inequality that best expresses the situation, we can use the inequality symbols to indicate the range of cattle that Mr. Riley can have.

Let's assume c represents the number of cattle.

The inequality would be:

50 ≤ c ≤ 150

To write the inequality that expresses the given situation, we can use the inequality symbols to represent the constraints.

The given situation states that Mr. Riley can make a profit by raising at least 50 cattle and no more than 150 cattle.

Let's break it down:

1. "At least 50 cattle": This means Mr. Riley needs to have a minimum of 50 cattle. In equation form, this can be represented as c ≥ 50.

2. "No more than 150 cattle": This means Mr. Riley should have a maximum of 150 cattle. In equation form, this can be represented as c ≤ 150.

Combining these two inequalities, we can write the final inequality:

50 ≤ c ≤ 150

This inequality represents the number of cattle, c, that Mr. Riley can raise in order to make a profit.

50 <= c <= 150