For a trapezoid, the following formula relates the area A, the two bases a and b, and the height h.


Solve for a.





A = h (a+b)/2

2 A/h = a + b

a = 2A/h - b

The correct equation to solve for a in terms of A, b, and h is:

a = (2A - bh) / h

To solve for a in the formula A = (a + b) * 2h, we need to isolate the variable a. Here's how to do it step by step:

1. Start with the formula A = (a + b) * 2h.

2. Divide both sides by 2h to get rid of the coefficient 2h: A / (2h) = (a + b).

3. Now, we want to isolate the variable a. So, subtract b from both sides: A / (2h) - b = a + b - b.

4. Simplify the right side: A / (2h) - b = a.

5. Rearrange to make a the subject of the equation: a = A / (2h) - b.

Now you have the formula to solve for the value of a in terms of A, b, and h.


not times 2
average base times height, common sense