if mass is not an issue then how much force is required to move a ten no. 'shake flashlight' .will it be equal to move a single flashlight or will have to work ten times more to shake these ten flashlights? Note these flashlights are based on magnetic induction

To determine the force required to move ten shake flashlights, we need to understand how the force is distributed when multiple objects are involved.

In this case, if mass is not an issue, the force required to move ten shake flashlights will be the same as moving a single flashlight. The reason for this is that the force required to move an object is dependent on its own mass and inertia, rather than the number of objects present.

In the context of magnetic induction shake flashlights, the force required to move them is generated by shaking or moving the magnetic assembly inside. Each flashlight operates independently, and the force required to move each flashlight is based on its design and internal mechanism. Therefore, shaking ten flashlights simultaneously should not require ten times more force than shaking a single flashlight.

However, it's important to note that when shaking multiple flashlights simultaneously, it may feel slightly different compared to shaking a single flashlight due to the combined resistance and distribution of force required. But in terms of the total force required, it remains the same as moving a single flashlight.