John earns $3 more than hugh. Leslie earns $2 less than twice Hugh. Together they earn $101. How much does Hugh earn?

Hugh earns $33.33. I am assuming 'they' refers to Leslie and JOhn together....

Set it up like this:

Substitute the first two equations into the third one, and solve for H, and you got it!

What should be the correct order (largest to smallest) of hierarchy for Classification of Organisms?

class → order → family → genus → species

order → class → family → genus → species

species → genus → order → family → class

The correct order (largest to smallest) of hierarchy for Classification of Organisms is:

B. order → class → family → genus → species

To find out how much Hugh earns, we can set up equations for each person's earnings and solve for Hugh's earnings.

Let's say Hugh's earnings are represented by x dollars.

According to the given information:
- John earns $3 more than Hugh, so John's earnings can be represented as x + $3.
- Leslie earns $2 less than twice Hugh, so Leslie's earnings can be represented as 2x - $2.

Together, their earnings add up to $101, so we can write the equation:
x + (x + $3) + (2x - $2) = $101

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents Hugh's earnings.

Combining like terms, we have:
4x + $1 = $101

Subtracting $1 from both sides, we get:
4x = $100

Dividing both sides by 4 gives us:
x = $25

Therefore, Hugh earns $25.