The SI unit of measure for length-the meter-would be most appropriate when

a. Measuring the wingspan of an insect
b. measuring the height of a building.
c. measuring the length of an ant.
measuring the distance between two cities

Just because you said that, I picked a building and I got 100%, thank you so much.

You're very welcome. And please remember about how long a meter is.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Some basketball players are 2 meters tall.

what unit you use to measure the length of an ant

what is si in measurement of an meter

yea its right thanks

thanks guys

The SI unit of measure for length, the meter, would be most appropriate when measuring the height of a building or measuring the distance between two cities.

To determine the appropriate SI unit of measure, we need to consider the magnitude or scale of the object or distance being measured. In this case, the wingspan of an insect and the length of an ant are relatively small measurements, which would require a more precise unit of measure such as millimeters or centimeters.

On the other hand, when measuring the height of a building, the distance between two cities, or any other larger scale measurement, the meter is the appropriate unit of measure. The meter is a standard SI unit for measuring length on a larger scale and is widely used worldwide for various measurements, including distances between two points. So, for measuring the height of a building or the distance between two cities, the meter would be the most appropriate unit of measure.