which of the following contributed to the failure of San Miguel de Gualdape, the first Spanish settlement in south Carolina?(1 point)
A. the Waccamaw River was not a safe place to settle.
B. Too few slaves were brought from Santo Domingo.
C. The Spanish settlers did not bring enough food.
D. Hernando de Soto captured American Indians and forced them into slavery.

why did diseases such as smallpox affect American Indians more than Europeans?
A. Europeans had been vaccinated against the diseases.
B. Europeans had greater access to medicine in the new world.
C. The American Indians had no prior exposure to the diseases.
D. The poor conditions in which the American Indians lived cause the diseases to spread.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

my answers are:


A - no

C - yes

Yes, D.

It is D and C

To answer the first question, you can analyze the options and evaluate which one contributed to the failure of San Miguel de Gualdape, the first Spanish settlement in South Carolina.

A. The Waccamaw River was not a safe place to settle: While safety is an important factor for a settlement, it is not specified in historical records that the river's safety was a specific cause for the failure. Therefore, it is less likely to be the correct answer.

B. Too few slaves were brought from Santo Domingo: The number of slaves brought from Santo Domingo might have been a factor, but without additional historical context, it is hard to determine if it was the primary reason for the settlement's failure.

C. The Spanish settlers did not bring enough food: This option seems plausible since a lack of sufficient food could lead to the failure of a settlement. As such, it is a valid consideration for the correct answer.

D. Hernando de Soto captured American Indians and forced them into slavery: While the actions of Hernando de Soto might have had long-term negative consequences for the Native American population, it is not directly related to the failure of the settlement. It is therefore less likely to be the correct answer.

Based on the above analysis, the most probable answer to the first question is C. The Spanish settlers did not bring enough food.

To answer the second question, you can again evaluate the options to determine why diseases such as smallpox affected Native Americans more than Europeans.

A. Europeans had been vaccinated against the diseases. While vaccines have been developed more recently, during the time period being referred to, no vaccines were available to combat diseases like smallpox. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the correct answer.

B. Europeans had greater access to medicine in the new world: It is true that Europeans had more advanced medical knowledge and technologies during this time period. Greater access to medicine could indeed contribute to Europeans being less affected by diseases. This option is a valid consideration for the correct answer.

C. The American Indians had no prior exposure to the diseases: This option is the most plausible answer as Native Americans had little to no immunity built up against European diseases such as smallpox. This lack of prior exposure made them more susceptible and resulted in higher mortality rates.

D. The poor conditions in which the American Indians lived caused the diseases to spread: While poor living conditions can contribute to the spread of diseases, it does not explain why Native Americans were more affected compared to Europeans. This option is less likely to be the correct answer.

Based on the above analysis, the most probable answer to the second question is C. The American Indians had no prior exposure to the diseases.