The temperature of a chemical compound was 1°C at 3​:00 A.M. During a​ reaction, it dropped 3°C per minute until 3​:13 A.M. What was the temperature at 3:13 ​A.M.?

13 minutes?


To find the temperature at 3:13 A.M., we first need to determine the time duration between 3:00 A.M. and 3:13 A.M.

Step 1: Calculate the difference in minutes between 3:00 A.M. and 3:13 A.M.
To calculate the time difference, we subtract the starting time (3:00 A.M.) from the ending time (3:13 A.M.):
3:13 A.M. - 3:00 A.M. = 13 minutes.

Step 2: Determine the number of temperature drops during this time duration.
Since the temperature dropped 3 degrees Celsius per minute, we need to determine how many times it dropped in 13 minutes:
13 minutes / 1 minute (per drop) = 13 drops.

Step 3: Calculate the decrease in temperature.
The temperature decreased by 3°C per drop, and in this case, there were 13 drops, so the total decrease in temperature can be calculated as:
3°C/drop * 13 drops = 39°C.

Step 4: Determine the final temperature.
Since the temperature initially was 1°C, and it decreased by 39°C during the 13 minutes, we simply subtract the temperature decrease from the initial temperature:
1°C - 39°C = -38°C.

Therefore, the temperature at 3:13 A.M. was -38°C.

To find the temperature at 3:13 A.M., we need to determine the total decrease in temperature from 3:00 A.M. to 3:13 A.M.

First, let's calculate the time difference between 3:00 A.M. and 3:13 A.M.

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, the time difference is 13 minutes.

Given that the temperature decreased by 3°C per minute, we can multiply the time difference by the rate of decrease to find the total temperature decrease.

Total temperature decrease = Rate of decrease * Time difference
= 3°C/min * 13 min
= 39°C

Now we subtract the total temperature decrease from the initial temperature at 3:00 A.M.

Final temperature = Initial temperature - Total temperature decrease
= 1°C - 39°C
= -38°C

Therefore, the temperature at 3:13 A.M. was -38°C.